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Best ever chocolate custard: a Thermomix recipe

Not original (wish it was because it's so mmmmmmmmmmm)
I got it from this site: http://thermomazing.blogspot.co.uk/2011/09/best-ever-chocolate-custard.html  
and it is just wonderful when you are tired and down and need sweet comfort.  Thank you, thank you.
If you have a TM, please do go and visit.

Break six squares of really good quality dark chocolate into the TM and add 60g granulated sugar, 30g cornflour and 1 tbsp of cocoa.
Blend for 20 seconds at speed 9

Add 700g milk and 2 eggs.
Cook for 7 minutes at 90 degrees, speed 4.

I halved this amount and cooked it for 5m 30secs and it was just right..  It made enough for three.  I'm eating one portion, another I will have mixed with natural yoghurt for lunch tomorrow and the third with some stewed fruit on Saturday (if it lasts that long).

Next time I might lower the amount of cornflour and substitute cream for a bit of the milk - just to see.

It was SO EASY!!!

Many thanks to Sarah Foley, who created the recipe.

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