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Knee Update and Highlights from the Week

Well Tuesday I went in for an X-ray on my right knee after my misfortune on the slopes last week. Ironically, I had to walk to four different buildings before finding the right spot. Yep- stairs, evelavators, parking decks, Peachtree Road and all before I arrived at the right location.  I'll admit, the misunderstanding was 75% my fault. Fortunately, my limp had gotten much better by Tuesday, so I reminded myself as I walked that I could look even more awkward limping down the sidewalk had the appointment been just a day earlier.

On second thought... that's still pretty awkward

Once I arrived, I got to wear these stunning 'lil  knee-length shorts:

That's when she told me that it's most likely my meniscus (inner, smaller tendon on the right of this pic, but on the left of my knee) and cartiladge, but they'd have to do an MRI to be sure.

So that's the next step. The MRI is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 4:45.

I'm supposed to stay off of it and not do any exercising outside of pilates, but I had GOTR (Girls on the Run) Thursday after school and couldn't bare to not at least walk laps while the girls ran. Yeah- I found out Friday morning why she said no exercising. I don't do stationary well.

On a brighter note, here are some highlights from the week!

Since I had the day off on Tuesday for my appointment, I got to meet Matt for lunch! Us teachers view eating out for lunch as a special occasion. :)

This is the tree in the front of our yard that bloomed this week. Wish it stayed like this all year!

These are pictures of Ark Ark that my sister found on her phone this week. Apparently, Maddox got a hold of it and decided to do a photo shoot with his favorite stuffed animal. :)

I went to TJ Maxx and found this bathroom towel rack for $6.99 to organize my necklaces! ...Love TJ Maxx and love organizing.

Friday night, Matt and I sat out by the fire pit in our back yard.  It was perfect weather for a nice outdoor fire! We need to do it more often- it didn't feel like we were in the city or in our back yard. Think we may start a new habit (now that it's almost Spring). ;)

Saturday morning, my super sweet mama and I had a mother-daughter morning out. She treated me to the most incredible facial of my life! Okay, maybe it was only the third facial I've ever had, but I'm pretty sure I won't ever have one that's better. They had me at cheese, crackers, apples, brownie-bites, and mimosas. :) That bottom left picture is post-facial- how gorgeous is my mom?! Bea-U-ti-ful. And, of course, we went to Souper Jenny for lunch afterward.

Saturday night, we went out with our friends Tanner and Caroline. We more or less had a progressive dinner/ate our way through Atlanta. We started at a place called Truffle's Grill (thanks to a coupon I got in the mail this week) for appetizers (quite good I might add!), then went to Taqueria Del Sol for tacos (which is always good), and then walked over to Ormsby's, which is a fun little game bar, afterwards (actually, it's a big game bar- but "fun big game bar just doesn't sound right). It was quite a fun night!

Hope you all had a great week!

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