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Black eyed pea/Cow pea is also known as chawli/lobia in Hindi, bobbarlu in Telugu. It is oval creamy white bean having a black eye. It is utilized for preparing various dishes to obtain outstanding health benefits to obtain fiber folate along with an excellent supply of iron and essential minerals and vitamins.

The botanical name of cow peas is Phaseolus Aureus. They might be simply cooked with salt and tempered with onions and green chillies and mixed with coconut grates coriander leaves as an wonderful evening snack to the elders and children to get their essential protein and iron. 

It is cultivated throughout the world because of its incredible health advantages as follows:

1. Subordinates cholesterol level

2. Abundant with anti oxidants that guarantees curbing of the cancerous cells         within the body.

3. It is verified as a good accessory for  the weight loss diets.

4. Great for diabetic conditions since it  has high fiber contents. Flavanoids in         cow peas also defend against cardio vascular conditions. Additionally, it calms     the working of bowel in your body.

5. Low in fat and low calorie lentil item.

6. Removes Free radicals:  cow peas contain Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C. 

7. Treats cardio vascular ailments. You can certainly decrease the potential risks     of creating numerous heart diseases.

8. Lignin, one additional component present in cow peas.  

 The black eyed peas keep the fatal diseases away. It has         phytoestrogens which keep a number of fatal diseases just like cancer  (some specific types), stroke, hypertension, osteoporosis etc  away. 
9. The regular consumption of cow peas maintains optimal health since it assists     to remove numerous and oxygen free radicals throughout the body.

10. Besides, there are some more interesting advantages in consuming these          peas. It boosts hair growth. It delays signs of aging because of its Vitamin A      and vitamin C that are two most appropriate components for the skin. They       repair the skin and replenish it appropriately. The anti oxidative qualities of       cow peas also eliminate numerous signs of ageing just like wrinkles spots etc.     As a result, we obtain smooth, healthy as well as glowing skin. It makes  hair     silky and shine.           

    There are so many types of cow peas as follows. All are containing the same       qualities. Black eyed cow peas, Purple eyed cow peas, Cream cow peas, Clay     cow peas, Brown eyed cow pea and Crowder cow peas .

                                                                                          Source Google  

 Hence, Honorable Ladies ..!  Be aware of the Incredible benefits of  Cow Peas and enjoy its utmost characteristics...!

Take a look on the cooking procedure of Cow peas+chayote kootukkari:


Cow peas/black eyed peas 100 g

fresh coconut grates one cup

fried gram one table spoon

Coriander powder one tablespoon

Cumin seeds one spoon

Asafoetida one pinch

Fenugreek seeds powder half teaspoon

Turmeric powder one teaspoon

Red chilly powder

pepper powder one spoon

cloves 4

cinnamon one stick

poppy seeds one spoon

Cooking oil one tablespoon

Gingelly oil half cup

mustard seeds one teaspoon

Tomato medium size one chopped

curry leaves one cup
coriander leaves chopped one cup

Chayote one peeled off and chopped into medium cubes.


Wash the cow peas/black eyed peas two or three times in running water.

Pressure cook the peas and set aside.

Dry roast the cinnamon, poppy seeds, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves.

Grind all the masal ingredients i.e., fried gram, coconut grates, coriander powder, cumin seeds, poppy seeds, pepper powder, fenugreek powder, half spoon turmeric, cinnamon and cloves into a fine paste.

Heat the dry pan with cooking oil.

Add mustard seeds to pop up.

Add onions, red chillies, curry leaves.

Saute them until the onions turn transparent.

Add tomato pieces. 

Add red chilly powder and asafoetida.

followed by the chayote or chow chow cubes and saute a while.

Transfer the paste ground into the cooking pan.

Add required water and salt to taste and allow to boil

Let the flame be in low level for 10 minutes.

When the gravy  becomes thickened and releases oil on all over the sides of the pan, add chopped coriander leaves.

Switch off the flame and pour half a cup of Gingelly oil/ Sesame oil

A very interesting combination of chayote and cow peas...!

It pairs very well with Pearl millet meal and hot rice and even for breakfast main dishes such as idlies, dosais, oothappams, pongal adais, rotis and chappathies and pooris.It will give wonderful experience to our taste buds.

Trust these excellent peas and give a try of tasteful side dish to any main meal 
and tell me..1

Thank you, Royal Viewers..!

Clay cow peas
Black eyed cow pea
Pressure cooked Cow Peas

Coconut flakes, curry leaves,
shallots red chillies, chayote cubes,
 garlic pulses, tomato dices
Tempering with mustard seeds
chopped shallots, curry leaves, turmeric
red chillies split and masal powder
Adding tomato dices and chayote cubes
Addition of cooked cow peas
Boiling until chayote cube
Pouring Gingelly oil finally
Yummy Cow peas kootukkari
 is ready

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